Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What is an artist?

I have often assuaged my raw feelings toward my low income by telling myself that anyone who drives a Prius probably isn't an artist.  I know it's complete carp but it makes me feel better. Then, of course, swimming through the confusing eddies of my own mind ever since, has been the question of whether I am really an artist or not.  Perhaps, as a theatre director, I am just a clever salesman. I come from a family of salespeople after all.

I am willing to accept that, as a writer, I could be an artist because I earn exactly nothing as a writer; so, therefore, must do it for the love of it.  So either I am an artist or an idiot.  Uh, maybe a little bit of both.  But this fact that I earn nothing from being a writer is a state of being I am trying to change with regular blogging and a insidious thing called Google Adsense.  I thoroughly expect them to send me a cheque for twenty-five cents US next month.  Can't wait.

But just as the Prius being a false indicator, poverty as a true indicator of artistry is just as carpy.  So, so.  Does just being involved in the arts make one an artist?  No.  So, what is it?  I thought I would check for a definition.  It's always good to go back to basics:


[ahr-tist] Show IPA
1.a person who produces works in any of the arts  that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria.
a person who practices one of the fine arts,  especially a painter or sculptor.
a person whose trade or profession requires a knowledge of design, drawing, painting, etc.: a commercial artist.
a person who works in one of the performing arts,  as an actor, musician, or singer; a public performer: a mime artist; an artist of the dance.
a person whose work exhibits exceptional skill.
Not a lot of help here.  Almost all of these definitions turn on themselves - an artist is and artist kind of defintion.   Except for number five.  I like number five.  Five makes sense to me.  I have often thought that the term artist should not be restricted to the arts.  That there is something about how some people approach whatever they do be it painting, poetry, or plumbing that is deeply connected and beautiful.  Perhaps that is art.  Perhaps.
But, for sure, I like number five.  I would like my work to exhibit exceptional skill. 

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