Monday, October 24, 2011

Leftie Pinko Entrepreneur

So, a friend of mine called me a leftie pinko the other day.  Which I am; so, it's all fine.  However, I also have this nagging pull toward entrepreneurism.  I have goals; I have plans.  Even at almost fifty, I am in the process of building up a completely new business concept. So, how does one reconcile these two seemingly unresolvable drives? 

Haven't the foggiest.

I do know that I don't make a lot of money.

Which is all fine, again.  But why is it fine?  I think that when one allows oneself the freedom to do what one loves, it's much easier to value-add, to invest heavily in the quality of the product or service -- even to the point of sacrificing monetary gain -- because it simply makes sense.  Greed doesn't become an issue.  Sure, sure, I can fantasize about travelling all over the world or having enough cash to produce major musicals but I am happy just making my baby steps toward a healthy, little business.

And I am pretty sure I am not alone.   I can see a trend (purely anecdotally, of course) of folks who are giving up on the rat-race, one by one, and going off and leading hectic, crazy lives as self-employed folk.  Dog-walkers, photographers, gluten-free bakers.  And for every one of those folk, dozens more express disatisfaction with their professional situations.  Most people took white collar work so that they would have security for themeselves and their families.  So that they could put in their nine to five, and still have time for things they love to do.  They swapped independence for promised security in the hope of living the good life.

However, of course, life is not working out the way we were told it would as kids growing up.  There is no employment security or employer loyalty in an endeavour that has, at its root, a need to turn profit.  Despite the sixties and the Utopian thinking that dominated society in my childhood, we are struggling in a corporate world in which the central truth is profit and, despite having the opportunity to profit us all, wealthy folk are just getting wealthier.

Maybe, we need to start de-valuing money in our lives.  Maybe that's the best way to be subversive?  Turn away from corporate Canada?  Why should they get the brightest and the best?  Start investing in the swapping economy?  You don't need money as much as you might think.

So, I say:  Be subversive!  Make your own meals, go to a swapmeet, leave your car at home. Start a small business (even a miniscule one like mine) doing something you love.  Why not?  It's not like things are going well investing in the current corporate reality.  Are they?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Believing what you read...or Where does that pesky comments section actually start anyway?

Just this weekend, a story was released in the paper about someone I know that made me question, again, the ethical and moral positioning of our major news sources in society, how those sources became puppets of idealogy, bias, and prejudice, and because much of the body of news stories is tainted by said idealogy, bias, or prejudice, what the bloody use they are anyway?

I wish that the papers, radio news, and tv news would drop the Victorian idea that the public is too stupid and/or too uneducated to make up their own minds.  All I want to know is what happened, not what the reporter thinks happened or feels about what happened.

Or how the reporter can sensationalize what happened; so s/he can win some investigative journalist prize, write a book about the experience, and be set for life as soon as the movie comes out.

Just the facts, ma'am; just the facts.  Why not just stick to what actually happened?  No fudging, or helping us along to what you think is the correct opinion.  Why not post links to the source easy feat with the interwebs?  A little dangerous, a la Wikileaks, but better than the public not knowing.  Why not be open, honest, and above board?

Look, there are tons of places one can make her opinion public.  I write a blog a couple of times a week.  It is read by friends and family.  I get to say whatever I like because everybody who actually reads it knows this is my sandbox, my opinion.  That's why they call it a blog.  And, at the end of practically every article written by papers (and bloggers alike) there is a comments section in which everybody gets their say.  Everybody gets to interpret the facts as their personal idealogy, bias, or prejudice supports.  Nice, nice.  Free speech.

But how can anyone interpret anything if we don't really know what happened?   How can we have an opinion about what is being reported if the reporter has already assessed the facts, found the subject guilty, and sentenced her/him to the prison of unwanted notoriety?

Well, the simple answer is we can't.  There ought to be a law about publishing or broadcasting only the facts about which the reporter is certain because we all know just how powerful and far reaching mainstream news reporting can be.  Reporters, editors have the power to vaporize lives and they often swagger about, heady with that knowledge.  And then there's SunTV.  Don't get me started.

News agencies should be held accountable for everything they say -- the truth can only support a more informed society, a more intelligent one.

Yep, there ought to be a law.  Oh wait, there is...